Message from @whirled peas
Discord ID: 509179089106632711
It's not. That's why you don't see it occur like, at all.
see what occur?
populist governance doesnt work? what?
there's a reason anarchal systems don't last long. either a dictator rises or a democratic government is elected to control the crazies.
nature abhors a vaccuum
pretty much
It just doesn't happen.
Send it
people naturally form groups
and every time in anarchy people come together to survive, which is the natural formation of a group or a government
Mainly because, like you mentioned, someone's probably going to fill the space left by someone else.
its human nature
once a group is a formed a government is formed
Power vacuums are destructive
This natural instinct to form groups and interact socially with other people seems to draw people into power.
anarchy is self explanatory, communism quickly ceases to be populist, democracy could work but in its current state is incredibly vulnerable in times of crisis
humans are instinctively hierarchal.
Actual anarchy in place of legislation just doesn't work-
anarchism and globalism/internationalism have one thing in common, they both disregard the tribalistic hierarchal nature of mankind and therefore are both doomed to failure because they are not ideologies that advocate for something natural rather they advocate for something that is not natural
This discord is a hierarchal
Look at the ranks
Oh heck I'm out of Gulag
@VanishedA97 idealistic is the word you were looking for
thank you ruger
Dank is the dictator and purple fags are self explanatory
Dankula is the monarch
and this is why rat is a permawhitey.
A lot of governmental systems that give power to a very large number of people are pretty idealistic, because there's at least going to be a few people in that very large group that're better at, or more hungry for power than the others.
the purples are the nobles that do shit
Those who lead, those who follow and all that bollocks.
everyone else is just varying degrees of peasant
Purples are shit head secret police