Message from @T e x
Discord ID: 509265683096535040
Some scientific theorys have some sort of a hard swallow.
Inb4 tex says "photoshop"
and we know being an incel is bad so my theory checks out so far
if you made tex a mod he'd ban himself while trying to ban nicole
tex for provisional government
Tex for death penalty
I feel like Tex wouldn't be a great moderator in my personal opinion.
tex for beer!
Do they still have the death penalty in Texas?
tex for oral window cleaner
@T e x What beer do you drink?
hopefully bleech
all of it
I bet he drinks piss
tex for tire eater
Alcohol can cause Parkinson's disease and I have reason to believe it might be the main cause.
I was hoping he would say pabts blue ribbon
we posting tex quotes?
Tex seems like a Busch light kind of man.
bud lite lite
tex is the jaiden smith of this discord
heres a neat fact about adhd, if it goes un medicated it has a 50% chance of developing substance abuse like alcoholism
Pabts Blue Ribbon is most red neck you can get
ya really
god damn
Back when I lived in Estonia there was no commercial beer. Everything in my town was craft beer.
Can we claim Tex has ADHD then?
thats sad
I drink Heineken which is the Dutch version of Fosters ect
all but me and like 1 other of the adults diagnosed with adhd at my local support group are recovering alcoholics
I remember it fondly. Never found beer better than what I grew up with.
You guys wanna see something hilarious I just found while looking for an old Tex message?