Message from @Turtle
Discord ID: 509265354976133132
@T e x Does god exist?
does evil exist?
Does it?
answer the question
Nigga he is god
evil is subjective
There we go.
is that a yes or a fucking no
Well ill be damned
Some scientific theorys have some sort of a hard swallow.
Inb4 tex says "photoshop"
and we know being an incel is bad so my theory checks out so far
if you made tex a mod he'd ban himself while trying to ban nicole
tex for provisional government
Tex for death penalty
tex for beer!
Do they still have the death penalty in Texas?
tex for oral window cleaner
@T e x What beer do you drink?
hopefully bleech
all of it
I bet he drinks piss
tex for tire eater
Alcohol can cause Parkinson's disease and I have reason to believe it might be the main cause.
I was hoping he would say pabts blue ribbon
we posting tex quotes?
ngl alcoholicism can give u the shakes
Tex seems like a Busch light kind of man.
bud lite lite
tex is the jaiden smith of this discord