Message from @Ruger
Discord ID: 509265982980620289
hopefully bleech
all of it
I bet he drinks piss
tex for tire eater
Alcohol can cause Parkinson's disease and I have reason to believe it might be the main cause.
I was hoping he would say pabts blue ribbon
we posting tex quotes?
ngl alcoholicism can give u the shakes
Tex seems like a Busch light kind of man.
bud lite lite
tex is the jaiden smith of this discord
heres a neat fact about adhd, if it goes un medicated it has a 50% chance of developing substance abuse like alcoholism
Pabts Blue Ribbon is most red neck you can get
god damn
Back when I lived in Estonia there was no commercial beer. Everything in my town was craft beer.
Can we claim Tex has ADHD then?
thats sad
I drink Heineken which is the Dutch version of Fosters ect
all but me and like 1 other of the adults diagnosed with adhd at my local support group are recovering alcoholics
I remember it fondly. Never found beer better than what I grew up with.
You guys wanna see something hilarious I just found while looking for an old Tex message?
Dont worry its still Tex Related
Go ahead Nicolle.
Never forgetti the night he harrassed me for 2 hours in general trying to get me to post nudes for everyone
why you airing out my dirty laundry
Cause its funny and you always deny it lol
tex being dishonest, colour me surprised
***H O R N Y T E X***
nicolle you fuckin nuts but i love you