Message from @Rotmistrz
Discord ID: 302195951542730753
waifu body pillow mafia will be pissed
gmo sex toys
in such a world created by and ran for humanity you mean
dont worry the aliens will guide us
oh no
tfw emp weapons neutralize cyborgs tho
Merging human DNA with tech will be a rocky period in time. Think of the security issues.
ethics issues more worrysome imo
apparently the human population is going to cap at 9 billion
and then go down
i think jordan peterson cited the study
We need to lynch niggers and pajeets
Cunts fuck like rabbits
well yea in succesful societies
people only want max 2 children mostly
most none at all
We need to out-hump them. Quick! EVERYONE GET NAKED!
difference between humans and mice, we have logics and morals
so feminism took care of that too
(((higher education))) is why
For fuck sake man
women dont udnerstand the better job you ahve the more time youa hve to dedicate to it
no time to raise kids
@everyone stop asking if im trap, im not, suck my trap dick u cunts
a lot of women in their 30s and 40's experience mid life crisis
and want to have kids and no one will do it
lol rose bombarded
every day
bc they're told raising kids is misoginy
those are only the downie
and 3rd wave feminists
im talking about intelligent women
like lawyers doctors and shit
@Rose ru a trap?