Message from @Thicc Canadian Bacon
Discord ID: 509899264567017472
Close nuff
Canadians don't use the term "FAC".
Im wondering what paracord i should get
To hold a dear
While field dressing it and cleaning
Snow mexicans use snowballs silly
@lolfire lolfire aint using the regular rank begs anymore, he's busting out the 🅱ig 🅱 rank 🅱egs
@Cow I didn't post that, someone else did before me and 6 people asked for Sauce.
Didn't know sauce wasn't allowed in there.
*There is no text allowed in the porn channels.*
I get it, I really do and reading plain English is a genuine challenge but read the fucking <#418473231130034186> and the god damn channel description in future. @Marie
When was the last time you snapped cow
Whatever. I'll keep my good intentions next time.
I don' care dude.
No text, in the, porn channels.
you can provide sources without typing in the channel...
It's a real difficult concept to grasp.
I know.
Ask a nearby adult if necessary and you're experiencing difficulties.
Evening all
there's always a nearby adult at least, carers are good for that.
And how do people not follow that simple rule
wussup octavia
Shit my dady left me to get cigs and milke 20 years ago
how u feelin
@Octavia ❤
Hey Oct.
playing red dead redemption and taking it easy
Hows the jaw tavia
@Cow i'm replacing you with oct
Autism Gulag. Fucking LOL.
Found out I dont get the splints out for another 2 weeks
oct probably has a bigger dick @coattailsandbowties 😂
Sorry to hear
im kidding cow i love you m8