Message from @Norwegian Black Metal
Discord ID: 302281261970620417
no breathing
you gib source
trump is attracted to human women
dont give a fuck but my eyes bleeding
woah woah woah
ok prove me wrong that the MOAB missed
invaka looks like a mexican alien
careful with the nigger word
ok well anyways it doesnt matter
im saying
all news can be fake
so all news is fake
unless you were there
RT fake news
They said Trump was helping ISIS
he is helping them
didnt they want to go to heaven?
All I want to know is who earned the killstreak? I wanna buy them a case of beer!
bomb syria, fuck ya
bomb afghanistan, fuck ya
deport illegals, fuck ya
niggers have bbc because god put their tails on baclwards
i dont even know if israel exists or if its a meme
ive never been
what if mexico is just a meme
no ive met beaners before
and we could just have a backyard
its real
>what if I'm just a meme?
they're actors
redsquadron they have to go back
@Extra Crispy really activates those almonds
thats why you create a safe zone in syria
wonder why the globalists shill for syrian war
you fell for the jew meme, dummy