killer kowalski
Discord ID: 292285366352871424
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i was gonna continue dump but ok
what's new and exiting
post rare hitlers
theres a RARE HITLERS channel??? what!!
best hitler
thats all i have on work tablet
more when i get home
i got that image saving autism
pepe folder is SERIOUS
literally my tablet has 2k+ pepes in folder
my desktop, who the fuck knows
i got mad non-hitler iconographies tho
i just got kicked from this 14 words server because i didnt do a voice interview in time when i had already been there for like fucking weeks and already did a hand color check
shit was really fucking gay i need a new place to lurk
they literally like
had people ranked by having children and being single a d shit
and had boards about why are you childless i was like bro chill
thats a thing that will probably happen
also i was on judge judy and i know sam hyde personally
surface pro is life
literally posting rare hitlers from inside a junkyard rn
waiting for a used transmission to be pulled
later i guess?
man my discord is fucked up
theres a big grey bar covering half of it
and i have to scroll the top section to see anything
and it continues after closed and reopened
i think it was maybe from the windows10 osk
but im using an actual kb now
onscreen keyboard
it works well enough for me
im running it on a literal tablet and its a lot better than 8.1
i fixed discord
i had to cend task instead of close
wake me up inside has been stuck in my head for hours
call my name
ans save me from
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