Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 510356176207347715
Ask away
Women self deprecate to fit in on this server
atomikov what is your favorite pastime
Crying. Next Question.
lgbt = liberty, guns, burgers, trump
LGBT: Poop
what was your favorite game to play as a kid
I'd fill up my bath with my tears
The Melbourne terrorist attack, what are your thoughts?
lol xd
what is your favorite game to play now
a lot of people self deprecate to fit in on this server
counting any minorities i find when walking the street
spoiler alert = not alot
Oh I see Jim is already doing what I was going to
the whiteys are gonna get gassed
atomikov how was your day
its whitey gas shower
how much longer is this Q&A
pretty good qna
Finished. Come back tomorrow to ask Atomikov any questions!
@Deleted User are you more than 600lbs
I wait in anticipation
1/3 + 35
<@&418222331958394880> @everyone @here GET IN KITCHEN VC Q&A WITH MARKUS
<@&418222331958394880> gay lol
wait i can be the new dahaka
Too many people
f fly high big man
That aint a fuxking q/a
Fuck that nonsense my tired ass can’t deal fourty spergs at once