Message from @Dino
Discord ID: 510926307102818304
or 250lbs
Jesus they are using stone now
now i shall act sad for attention as this is why i am here obviously idiots lmao
Fuckin troglodytes
68kg/150 pound and a bit of muscle @ 5'9
87,000 grams
6'2 and hover around 150lb
But if muscle.
Lolfire u must be a tiny boy
around 11 stone I think? I haven't calculated in stone for a long time.
I'm gonna go weigh myself real quick
nice bam
Lanky as fuck
why is everyone comparing weights lmao no one cares smh
Yeah but I used to do long distance running so my body never got out of the ectomorph stage
I'm 9in shorter than lolfire and only like 5lb lighter
The autism is strong here
@Deleted User autism
@Deleted User I care
It always goes back to height or weight Jackie
thanks jim
@Jim whats your height and weight?
Stomachkov cares
haha ur fat lmao
about tree fiddy
@Deleted User what's yours
69 inches
y'all niggas are ***normies***