Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 510929179043299329
@CheekyOGNutZach this is why you're soy forever
Fig rolls are the best. I'm not even arguing anymore.
i have mathematical proof
@AK lowkey
fig rolls are god tier
with a cuppa
Fig rolls are fucking amazing with the ol tea.
@Potato Man dgaf
sounds too welsh
liked them ever since i was a kid and my nan gave me some
Irn bru is the best soft drink dont @ me
omg carrots and root beer are the shit tbh
Wales isn't actually a country.
Me nan got the plague
Never had a fig roll... Where do you get them ?
@Deleted User you consumed the rank of scat, so you had to fall down to soy.
@AdmiralBumFluff Biscuit isle at any decent store
like if u hear this image
atomikov bet on white and lost
@AK thanks mate, I'll look tomorrow
Beans on toast is the damage
@CheekyOGNutZach i bet you're one of those people that enjoys Aldi own brand pringles
Favorite type of doughnut?
Oh god those are terrible.
The best sports drink is raw eggs with raw chicken juice.
@Potato Man that's crossing a line
@Deleted User banned in 5 different countries for being weaponized.
I do aldi brand
watching rememberance day service, Tom Jones is introduced to perform, I'm like "please sing sex bomb"
i am purly a kettle crisp or tyrells man
Fuck yeah aldi brand spaghettios cold outta the can
today i learned americans don't have beans on toast
chocolate doughnuts with sprinkles
Glazed or strawberry sprinkle for me
I have beans on toast once or twice