Message from @Tailed Feature
Discord ID: 511307876300750849
@sweatercowsandsass yea i feel better about mine now too after that
@Tailed Feature more thigs
How you Coats
xenia onotopp thighs
p good, you?
not too bad
@Tailed Feature don't mess your pants, damn...
@coattailsandbowties I made spicy garlic and paprika chicken breasts tonight and I meant to take a pic to show you but I forgot :(
Too late
Yea use the buckets
guys I wanna build a potato cannon any advice on where to get PVC bits
Dont do a dsp and jack off on stream
On public transport too
@Tailed Feature you've just failed no nut november
@Tailed Feature WERE YOU ON A DATE!?!?!
I wasn't partaking in no nut November because no nut November is for queers
@sweatercowsandsass I had carrot and sweet potato soup, twas good but would have been better if *one of my bloody flatmates hadn't used the last of my paprika without telling me*
***T H I G H S***
@Tailed Feature you need to complete no nut november to take part in destroy dick december
@Tailed Feature get me DM'd and give me the goss
fucking hell thats muder on a bone
@Potato Man thats borderline chubby
Tailed you beast.
@coattailsandbowties i have TONNES of paprika in the house
@Niko and?
the whitey has pretty good taste not gonna lie
I had two full jars when I moved in and they're both gone @sweatercowsandsass
Like literally TONNES 😂 I use it in almost everything I cook
Naw it was shit, why'd you think I was drinking?
Aw ffs another shit one?