Message from @Tea
Discord ID: 511600600853774357
F for the pasta bot
She's been with me for yeards.
None of your business who the maw is
The old ball and chain
they on this server?
i heard this was a dating hub for alt right singles
or something
😂 ☝
this tadger
I fucking laughed
I mean the alt right is mostly guys so try grindr
Right I'm off to Glasgow. Catch yis.
Later Tailed
@Tailed Feature have fun at the show
boy or grill?
Howd I ken only took the test a few days ago
good luck
Best of luck to ya
Aye lets hope
But now I can ask for you fatherly advice
Naw you cant I've not got a scooby
I dunno what the fuck to do
Most of it's common sense, you'll be grand
just don't wrap your child in your existing mental issues and you good
Cheers Octavia means alot from you like
also let them do their own shit
ez game