Message from @AstroTorch
Discord ID: 511992402026692612
I'm fucking old man.
my mums also a very big van of the gifs you can add
My parents send each other dick pics
@Metroid Skittles I only use FB for the misses.
@Nathaniel hol up
I’m like 19 I think
Yeah the gif images you can send are pretty cool too.
@Metroid Skittles we use those fox and dog stickers holding roses etc
Pretty faggotry
I wish I had someone who loved me
Fucking normies
I just want some bjs
My favorite is hatch.
@the moisturizer incel. Never touched a pussy in your life.
The little round guy.
The fuck man
We got biggie beaned
oh no
now we'll never see torch again
I have another question.
Old memes my guy
That meme is pretty deep fried.
+kick @Dakoda "Miss me with that facebook cringe you 14 year old retard"
ah, he's back
welcome back 👋
Hell ye
is this pikachu detective shit real?
i feel like the world is about to be swallowed by a tide of soy bois and adult children