Message from @Shakup
Discord ID: 512182945868546068
But she has some balls to do that there
It’s close enough
yeah zero fucks given
she did it as a response to a article she saw that said Jesus was a gay person, as a social experiment
How you should be
aye as always
Jesus was a dirty hippy
Allah is gay tho
He likes 6 year old boys
He’d get along with my uncle
<@&418479903571443713> <@&498259609316884520> <@&473111631946317824> me lookin at yall like
Funny that
That’s very funny
Is this <#418492743547879427> ?
A little thing i like to call *somewhere over the rooftop* tends to happen.
@Turtle that could be a meme
I wanna make that meme
With the butterfly
Nobody steal my meme idea
Not really.
I only made a few memes
Ive made memes before but they have been inside joke memes
Could be very applicable
Server memes are the best
Madainn mhath
Shalom brother
how many shekels are you going to jew today
As many as I can earn from work.