Message from @Deus 🌌
Discord ID: 512296552597815306
Salz for everyone
@MultiMedia XL how is natrium better than sodium
That's a horrible.comparison tbh
We got some pussies in here?
@Tea Coz it corresponds with the letters better?
Please leave now
thats from today
All i did was this
and thats from way after you started this tripe
dumb cunt
<@&498259609316884520> <@&418479903571443713> <@&473111631946317824>
Uh no lol this is literally how it started lmao
@MultiMedia XL but NA means North America so the sodium works.
And it was today
Sooooo.... lmao
WHat happened to the ass discussion?
You just proved my point
thats a new one - thanks
Pls leave now
Thanks bye
This is pretty gay
Oooh now that's what I call S A L T
@MultiMedia XL there was a sperg...
@Tea Curses, foiled again
@MultiMedia XL Fuck up i'm going to fissure yours
@sweatercowsandsass you failed to prove anything
im staying
@Jizzlobber - you make me look forward to the scatapocylyps
she was using <@&498259609316884520> and you assumed it was targeted at you.
That's what I get for not having english as my native language
I am a furry in the name of SaTaN
what are you, retarded?
it was a general statement toward an entire group
do you know how labels work
Fucking white people