Message from @Tea
Discord ID: 512295976308834314
Actually, you started talking to me today when i was innocently going <@&498259609316884520> and saying random shit
Its funny how retarded some people are on this server
thats just lies
you stupid fucking bitch
Then you automatically assumed it was about you
if you prove it true then i'll leave of my own volition
NA is the lettering for what element??
he did it to me too
but you actually gotta search through that bullshit
Awwwww is lil baby triggered?
@Jizzlobber Waaaaaaaaa
@Tea Soduim
He did it to me too
leave or go, no one cares
@Jizzlobber gimme 2 secs, easy bruv
Correct sir
*Carthago esse delendam
i'm waiting
ffs - this has been going for 6 hours now
Although I think our word, Natrium, is much better
You know scarface is just elsa only instead of making ice he makes cocaine.
There's been longer @Liam
Just a thought
Salz for everyone
@MultiMedia XL how is natrium better than sodium
That's a horrible.comparison tbh
We got some pussies in here?
@Tea Coz it corresponds with the letters better?
Please leave now
thats from today
All i did was this
and thats from way after you started this tripe
dumb cunt
<@&498259609316884520> <@&418479903571443713> <@&473111631946317824>