Message from @Callie
Discord ID: 512759380429766672
Twitter stuff.
The likes of Shives do which is why I’m blocked by him just for following mArKuS
i'm waiting for the retweet
I'm glad I just use twitter for cute stuff and the odd bit of makeup.
@Malvulgein don't worry this is normal for twitter
We watching the twitter thing
Court Case over tweets.
@Cow 😂
I’m blocked lol
Twitter is just retards throwing shit or talking politics
Ive been on the shitter laughing at it
Ayyy my woman is blocked too, atta girl.
I've got a twitter silence going shall I drop any good ones?
If anyone that is not blocked by this guy he is weak
Twitter is the breeding ground of liquid cancer
it's a hate factory
The stuff he is retweeting is fucking horrid lol
Id tweet stuff but im Shite at arguing
I hope he doesn't shoot up a school 0.o
guys a proper mad lad
He's a grown man lol
not choosing sides............ but did yall niggas really bully some dudes mum?
He sounds like Brain on suicide tuesdays
Na TShirt.
Nah ofc not
Count just told her to fuck off is all
He was going at Dank for ages calling him all sorts of stuff, even went at Sue so dank told him to fuck off.
meh no bother
Then this.
just checking
Twitter is evidence that not everyone is quite cut out for politics