Message from @Kriley74
Discord ID: 513671906122137632
Ngl tho she was super pretty from the neck up
Yes @V3xxed_G1raff3
If you couldn't see how fucking skinny she was she was really pretty
Don’t drown in vomit @Todd
I’d miss u
her face was a 6/10 when she was skinny but before that she was alright to look at
Whats happening
Coney died
Cooney *
Why am I purple?
@Kriley74 euginia cooney died
hey how ya doing lads
why the fuck im purple now
All whiteys became waifus basically
But what
Waifu brigade
Wot mate
its radical cram
you know your doing something wrong when half of youtube is telling you that you're anorexic and are still denying it
She can barely hold her phone
Such power
her phone weighed as much as her
I don't think I know who she is
4g would kill her
If I didn’t
Seems good for a skull fucking the, amiright
Imagine putting your dick in that. You'd get splinters.
Forgot about her
Thought she died
virgin vc chAD?
She did lol