Message from @Offbrand Shaggy
Discord ID: 514025511052247057
How did you lose your job
There it is
The one question nobody really wants to ask
I want to ask
You are different now
@greydudebro How did you lose your job
@Irrelevant hello
@Ruger gosh i wish that was me
dont @ me horsefucker
Has nobody told you?
Naw my boss gambled all the pay away so he can't afford to pay all of us at my job
sounds giod
There is something wrong there
I dont know what though
@Jim I'm not in class because I'm nearly 7 weeks behind and can't start going to lectures until I've caught up WHICH I HAVE ALREADY STARTED OK
Probally the fact that it was a LOT of money
@Pip you fucking snitch you *know* why I'm not in lectures
Go study
@Karpo THCC fallaw
I've just got up ok I'm cooking breakfast
get off discord then ye mongo
Ain't much to do while waiting
catch up on study?
That is a great question
in the whole 10 minutes it'll take my porridge to cook?
do you have a reading week or anything coming up?
I'm a STEM major, we don't get reading weeeks
work week then
whatever, same thing
no, we have lectures continuously until the end of term
@Karpo middle east essenctily
ok, so there's not really a break for you to catch up in lol.
bb cum back
Just have someone record the lectures
No, which is why I have to miss lectures till I've caught up