Message from @Nip Crippler
Discord ID: 514283760116826112
wow this music is shit
Take it to cancer shitposting
Idk how this works
some of the worst music i've ever heard
Alright boys i sold $80 worth of meatsnacks for rifle club in one night
@Nip Crippler “skeet skeet bitch al over the wall hates lick it up scene kids will never fall”
@LmaoMoni Bangs is better than this faggot
@Nip Crippler theres a remaster
unironically better
polished shits
@FUCK fire you paid as much attention to context as a Scottish court
“Colors times fifty and hello kitty”
@Nip Crippler that's Australian currency in the background
he's one of them south sudies that's been fucking up Melbourne
How can Australians have currency?
Bangs for prez 2020
Wouldn’t the money just fly down to space?
Get him all the puss
we staple it to the kangaroos that work for the ANZ bank
top tier rap fyi
What about the kangaroos? Why don’t they fly down?
Oh wait shit, you’re from Australia?
ever since we had to stop sending our kids to school in their pouches because "animal cruelty" or some shit, they all work for the banks now
what he said
Well, me being a very intelligent flat earther, I’m skeptical of your existence
i build the animatronic characters for the tourist zones