Message from @Nip Crippler
Discord ID: 514283302035652619
Go away nigger
Imma fit in here
there's always a benefit to seeing the bigger picture and understanding the finer points of what you're looking at
there is literally no observable benefit to understanding the complexities of the internet other than driving yourself insane if thats your goal
Internet is complex
<#418492743547879427> monica
Or <#418503038781620255>
Hehe she said whitey
i wonder if early computer engineers said the same of people trying to build new programming techniques
Delete this
fucking got em
There is some serious autism going on here
@The Walmart Drug Cartel (X) dont forget about my scene kid swag
Take it to cancer shitposting
Idk how this works
some of the worst music i've ever heard
Alright boys i sold $80 worth of meatsnacks for rifle club in one night
@Nip Crippler “skeet skeet bitch al over the wall hates lick it up scene kids will never fall”
@LmaoMoni Bangs is better than this faggot
@Nip Crippler theres a remaster
unironically better
polished shits
@FUCK fire you paid as much attention to context as a Scottish court
at least it's a banger.