Message from @coattailsandbowties
Discord ID: 515673564351954944
There are so many good top laners
Aids champions are like Leblanc.
but shen is actual trash
Why did they revert leblanc ?
I have no idea how anyone is able to play him
Shen got nerfed to ground but I'm still a good Shen.
Like why though
Shen is a team champ.
I hate how toplane has turned in to a pure kill lane
A good shen isn't nearly as valuable as a good irelia
Not solo champ.
shen needs a good team
anyone know a thing or two about photoshop?
Better than tank meta
Tank meta is cancer
Yes he is.
Shen can turn a bot lane.
soraka is cute.
Turn a baron
@coattailsandbowties She is satan
Soraka is my main and you know that
I'd do a soraka cosplay
Teemo is lucifer
Teemo isn't.
He's easy.
Teemo, is lucifer
Just dump on him.
You can't have winning game with shen unless your botlane is competent
Teemo is just a nigger
mushrooms make me want to end my life
Teemo is weak and rn
@Based Rai also doubt.
Cow knows that's it.
That guinsoo change makes him a genuine problem lategame
He isn't that hard to beat top
He actually does macro.