Message from @Kai
Discord ID: 515676474234241036
despise when they changed max wards per player to 3 + vision
aatrox is strong
he may not be the same
Nah I don't want some healing AA BRUISER
I to snap a small animals neck when I get pinged for not warding, like I already have max wards out and this hairless ape thinks he can skimp on buying controls
but he's effective
Everyone should be warding. Everyone should be buying a pink on back.
*People not buying control wards in plat*
3 people should have sweeper.
Fucking why
Then late game all.
remind me to keep my pets away from cow...
Just fucking one
Buy one fucking ward and place it defensively
But no, place it in our fucking fountain
I’m going to say the n word
Pinks are invaluable. Few minutes on the map they've paid for themselves. Vision and information wins games. Not skill.
Welcome, you're not gonna have fun here
Fuck off chink
What do you guys think about jhin?
Fuck neeko
I've been trying to learn him
Jhins okay.
for those easy carries
Jhin full armour pen was aids.
sorry cow
Neeko is for furries.
Jhin is cool for what he is
I'm confused
fuck off dino
Not much to him sadly
She is half lizard.
Jhin makes you feel good for murdering their entire team