Message from @Kriley74
Discord ID: 516025853314990081
ohhh nuuu
I am going to die...
I could not find the member you wanted to kick...
@No Fuck off to <#418492743547879427> with your shit tier memes.
**Boku no piko in a nutshell**
Tailed, pls tell someone but that no guy has definitely been banned once already
You told me, why can't you tell someone else?
@Todd Crunchyroll is a Anime Site *by* Anime Fans *for* Anime fans use my referal link for money off your subscription
Well I did
You're someone else
They wouldent have that on there site
I'm someone. Tell someone else.
Would they?
@Todd no
Wouldent think so
Crunchyroll is a good site
Crunchyroll is shit anyway so it doesn't matter
anime is bad
VRV is better
Did that Todd howard is dad fag leave?
i just rewatched ghost in the shell
hella great
Just watch Grave of the Fireflies
Someone asked me if Britain had an independence day and I asked "Independence from what?" and she said "England". No one is that dumb. Please.
That person was American
I bet
Historical literacy is at an all time low
Did she think Scotland voted yes or some shit
my head
I dont
Why are you on Japanese Amazon