Message from @Turtle
Discord ID: 516303678718869506
Bill Nye would make a bad president.
I know
Because he was black friend that every American wants
But he would probably do okay with climate change policies. Maybe changing medical laws too.
good thing hes not a politician
Obama 3rd term
Bill Nye is a shit "scientist"
He’s succumbed to lefty shit also
Bill nye is appeasing to the SJW’s
Kinda annoyed me how Biden was idolised as well. Like, that dude is a fucking nonce.
Why is it that no president tries to run for other political offices
Key word being appeasing
In reality, he doesnt believe half the shit he says lol
President is stressful and after they leave pretty sure they still get paid the rest of their life. @Lizardo
Would you run for other offices if you could get paid after doing one job for 4-8 years the rest of your life?
That Netflix show Nye did was honestly the cringiest shit I've ever seen
*ThErE aRe OnLy 2 GeNdErS*
Obama went from lookin 20 to 40 over the course of 8 years
Well I mean you just look at the producers on Netflix shows
Shit quality content
Not one time have I seen a show or movie that Doesn’t bash on the right
I don't watch much tv or movies unless I am with my wife. And I have to say most shows on Netflix usually have bad quality I agree
Hey as a non amarican why do amaricans say cuss instead of curse
I don't know
And frankly no one really gives a fuck
Its retarded
Plus it’s on a region to region basis
It’s mostly in the south
its ok to be white
Cool man😂
The only thing I can say is the animation on some Netflix shows is pretty good
It’s always regional with language
devilman crybaby has lovely animation
Them Texan nibbas call everything coke