Message from @Rotmistrz
Discord ID: 303698630097895434
that shit shooped or is a magic angle
didnt that hairy snatch admit she had brass knuckles or smthg
im jist saiyan
no bottle
There is a bottle
Let me get you the Reuters article
I don't understand why people defend her?
Is it white knighting?
Cuz shes a girl
what a pity, started as a nice girl and became a hairy porn snatchfuck
and a liberal
It's disgusting
for all i care
Not only her, but the people who will defend this senseless violence.
shes useless
the left is fukt in the mind , their mind is broken
Why are they not labelled as domestic terrorists?
They pretty much are at this point
i hope once they graduate and get jobs
and pay taxes
they will change lol
once they see the gov. taking 60% of their shit
they will stfu
We only have to look at my country to see the failure of welfare programs.
Our NHS is in shambles.
Our taxes continue to rise
Lynch niggers ro ensure safety
u form canada?
Mass lynch machins