Message from @PC Police
Discord ID: 519024684981813249
I also tend to not get sick.
how sleep
Hatter stop trying to make this server thirstier
wait >evening
>hatter says morning
ok retard
you see the wiki page quest made on me Hatter? xD
*timezones are a thing*
The wiki is gay
@F1NN haiii finn
fuck up eve
@Shut Up Eve dont talk to my wife thot
hi tho
Hatter is a dollar store lolfire
Sorry Finn I still don’t think you pass
You fellas like poo?
I dont think i pass either
@Hatter dinnae mean anything by it mate swear
So I don't have to hide my nationality after all!
```A minecraft youtuber who dressed as a trap once for a joke and due to a mix of peer pressure, encouragement from certain parties, and his own sexual confusion, began dressing as a woman as a regular habit. ```
Whats up my faggots
If you do, fuck you
i dont have any
No. Not really @Deleted User
@F1NN nigger in vc you were telling me you’d change my mind about traps and then posted a pic of yourself
i just want to be loved
wat u mean hungry
ye well im sure fucking old men who are only into sex is a great path to that 😄
Love? What's that?
Who needs it?
i dont remember that xD