Message from @Landon Freeman
Discord ID: 519778619694776321
better to be a rightless whitey britbong than a redneck, ayy?
@Saturday chinese occupation's not to bad. you can usually spot them because they're taking pictures of everything they fucking see like they've been living under communism for ages and haven't seen clean water before... wait...
oh wait
other way around 😉
lol, you just wish you were in pappa Trump's embrace like we are
in California?
isnt saying his name a hate crime in that state?
pretty much
can we just make California an island?
if your going down to san fran sisco
like ASAP
This got autistic pretty quick. I'm out.
I mean
you gonna scat your pants!
being conservative in this state is a fucking handicap
thats fair
being in california is a fucking handicap
Working toward your own extinction is a handicap in the long run.
Just saying.
being a moderate in a state like Texas als osucks, because I might want to tow the party line, but if I dont then I can go fuck myself 😃
@Tailed Feature Take it easy mate.
also does anyone know where i can get Fallout: Online?
like the origional
im considering becoming black gay and a furry
*excuse me what the fuck*
Ngl i just want strong coffee and a few fags
But it’s work time
This some bullshit
10 hours washing dishes
fuck yeah
@TFBuffalo yo you’re earlier question idk I’ll ask Deadpool about it
fuck i miss smoking
strong coffee and a smoke sounds grand right about now
so does the lung degeneration
keep that in mind, it helped me quit