Message from @Ruger
Discord ID: 521405625423364097
Deffo a female
i didnt think there were any
I do infact have bobs and vagene not soy tits and peen
i thought it was just coat and then trannys
she is ningle
@sweatercowsandsass you have soy peen
imposter of nickle
scottish girl tho, so technically still a man
Aya is a whamen no?
@Pirate no thats in Texas
@Ruger truth
@Soupmeme no hes just pretending to be one for attention
i larp as a tranny a couple times a month
oh yea u right i'm sure he was from nederland @Hatter
Jamie I wish you still worked for Dominos so I could order a pizza, get you to deliver it and not open my door
how tf u know him
Let you in the close and everything, just not open my door
Jamie talking bout his delivery boy career just saved Tex from an inquisition into his desire to dress up like a little girl
fine by me i get to skive when that happens
Leave it on the doorstep, have a slice if ye want
@Pirate wait what
@T e x wait what
@Creold thanks, very cool
What the fuck even is this?
the time for an inquisition on further context seems to be gone
now there is only tex's confusion