Message from @T e x
Discord ID: 522212827348467743
And this is Mia. She is a nightmare but purrs like a engine
Do you like Pringles
Pringles are fake
Well did you know
Theyre filthy Jews
@Blast I don't know the first thing about dogs, sorry.
i dont got those on my pringles cans
Florida Man
That's because they didn't want you to know Tex
yeah thats fuckin weird pringles
@Deleted User Happy birthday you old shitebag
They're on to you
i know a jew who can translate that, i bet its just a county thing
I’ve seen that before
This is the kinda doggo I want
I am very drunk
Hammond is in Tel Aviv
damn thats a cool dog
im callin it real
Am no in Israel
then where did you buy those israeli pringles
The shoap.
Friend of mine is in Jerusalem studying, a year there for Uni
Fuck saje
South Carolina
She's got bigger balls than me though, I'd shit myself I saw the missles in the sky
have you had the honey mustard ones
Poitevan karaoke was fun tho
No yet
eugh fuckin honey mustard jew pringles?
These are BBQ
what in the fuck