Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 523032633689636866
*God I hope so*
Think of the children Don.
10 points
Smh like.
not even texting while driving, shitposting while driving
I usually just watch YouTube while driving.
Traffic makes me want to pull over and fuck in some eye sockets but the distraction tames the burn.
@Kareemstar dogs are retards
i'm glad chinks eat them
I've heard of "nigger-rigging", but...
Im still brown
oh thought your guitar was a katana @_Domo
real weeb shit
real australian hours have begun
get out criminals, the Britbongs have awoken
it's 3am go back to bed
learning to play the white death on guitar. I know the start of it but I'm gradually getting up to the speed of the song!
it's 7am where it matters nigga, for those of us who aren't NEETs that means go time
I cant brain
Go bed Pirate.
Sleep time.