Message from @jeremy

Discord ID: 691091041004027954

2020-03-22 01:03:16 UTC  

one from north, one from south

2020-03-22 01:03:33 UTC  

u only need one observation to make a hypothesis

2020-03-22 01:04:32 UTC  

here we go step one observe a natural phenomena water boils step 2 hypothesis water boils at 100 degrees celsius at 1 atmosphere of pressure step 3 we will experiment to see if this is correct

2020-03-22 01:04:33 UTC  

the problem here is, you dont make *any* assumptions before your observations, so you have to check if the hypothesis could be refuted, by making a second observation, from a different place

2020-03-22 01:04:56 UTC  

incorrect u check to see if ur hypothesis is correct by experimentation

2020-03-22 01:05:17 UTC  

u will presume a cause for the effect u observed in step one

2020-03-22 01:05:29 UTC  

its clear u dont understand how the scientific method works

2020-03-22 01:05:54 UTC  

ok, lets assume you would make the hypothesis that earth is flat, after you make the first observation of the star sky. you now want to check if that hypothesis is true or false? what would you propose to check it?

2020-03-22 01:06:15 UTC  

one more demonstration that u do not understand how science works

2020-03-22 01:06:31 UTC  

is the earth flat is a what is quesstion science only deals with how or why questions

2020-03-22 01:06:56 UTC  

earth is flat is also an incoherent hypothesis on face value anwyays

2020-03-22 01:07:10 UTC  

Science tries to research the form of things, not only how they work.

2020-03-22 01:07:13 UTC  

step one observe a natural phenomena water boils step 2 hypothesis water boils at 100 degrees celsius at 1 atmosphere of pressure step 3 we will experiment to see if this is correct

2020-03-22 01:07:17 UTC  

example of real science

2020-03-22 01:07:39 UTC  

like i said come back when u figure out how science works

2020-03-22 01:08:04 UTC  

So how would you prove your hypothesis, that earth is flat?

2020-03-22 01:08:12 UTC  

And how would it be refuted?

2020-03-22 01:08:33 UTC  

a proof would be if the star sky is also flat.

2020-03-22 01:08:54 UTC  

the earth is flat is an invalid hypothesis

2020-03-22 01:09:03 UTC  

that means, constellations would look the same from any location on earth.

2020-03-22 01:09:04 UTC  

u dont know how to form a hypothesis

2020-03-22 01:09:27 UTC  

let me form a hypothesis for you, Jeremy.

2020-03-22 01:09:39 UTC  

go ahead lets hear ur natural observed phenomena first though

2020-03-22 01:09:58 UTC  

the existence of your brain bears no significant effect to society.

2020-03-22 01:10:01 UTC  

there you have it

2020-03-22 01:10:08 UTC  

a clear null hypothesis at its finest

2020-03-22 01:11:04 UTC  

so u also have no science ok

2020-03-22 01:12:12 UTC  

I have science you dimwit

2020-03-22 01:12:55 UTC  

if im not mistaken, I think it was Aristotle or Archimedes that proved that the earth is round THOUSANDS OF YEARS AGO

2020-03-22 01:13:10 UTC  

why is there a round shadow on the moon

2020-03-22 01:13:18 UTC  

it's because the earth is round

2020-03-22 01:13:22 UTC  

even a child could tell

2020-03-22 01:13:47 UTC  

but it seems that your brain is more defective than that of a child's

2020-03-22 01:13:58 UTC  

No science here 😦

2020-03-22 01:14:14 UTC  

How do you apply the scientific method on a globe @kyUremmmM

2020-03-22 01:14:15 UTC  

i would have booted that guy to the icebox if i knew the command lol

2020-03-22 01:14:18 UTC  

> No science here 😦
then let me elaborate sience for you

2020-03-22 01:14:39 UTC  

@jeremy lets have some fun 🙂

2020-03-22 01:14:44 UTC  


2020-03-22 01:14:56 UTC  

> How do you apply the scientific method on a globe @kyUremmmM
@California Nightmare 3.0 gravity pulls everything towards the MIDDLE of that certain object, in this case, it is the Earth

2020-03-22 01:15:09 UTC  

that is science lol