Message from @California Nightmare 3.0

Discord ID: 693239571986645013

2020-03-26 23:19:34 UTC  

Thinking about joining the chat.... how do i get access?

2020-03-27 13:42:40 UTC  

can i post a picture pls?

2020-03-27 16:20:07 UTC  


2020-03-27 16:46:36 UTC  

This is a debate chat. For regular chat goto <#484514023698726912> or <#484515816625274891>

2020-03-27 16:46:46 UTC  

@Musko what picture? Dm it to me

2020-03-27 19:27:43 UTC  

i don't see see how that picture proves anything

2020-03-27 19:27:56 UTC  

about "taking your pick"

2020-03-27 19:28:45 UTC  

the problem is that religion is often used as a defence, and many athiests don't see the value in those arguments

2020-03-27 19:29:12 UTC  

so using religion or spirituality as a justification means nothing to a large amount of globe-earthers

2020-03-27 19:39:14 UTC  

Can any flat earthers explain these five arguments mintioned in this video, pls:-

2020-03-27 19:48:37 UTC  

@The Gwench
1-free energy: Which energy, Exactly?
2-hide the creator:even if the flat is earth it wouldnt proof the creator and you know that there are alot of religious people that work in NASA and other space orgonization
3-More land? Which land exactly?! the other side?! Can we even go there based on you we would fall, right?! and if its antarcatica, then you know that alot of countries owns it not just america and NASA doesnt own it
4-resources? the same goes for this one
5-scietific knwoledge?! They are working hard to discorver "scientific knowledge" and you're saying that they are "hiding" it
6-Whats in artartica? Ice then Ice and then Ice?!
7+8-And the last ones are just....Nothing Its not like we can tell that!

2020-03-27 20:02:37 UTC  

Flat earth would be proof of a creator for me

2020-03-27 21:36:17 UTC  

The digital dollar is only because the normal dollar can't pay back on all its loans it took out. The digital dollar is a sign that the dollar failed with the digital dollar they would try to take all the currency into their control but in the end it would fail

2020-03-27 21:37:00 UTC  

Even if you think they are all powerful. Confidence in the system is a factor

2020-03-27 21:41:53 UTC  


2020-03-27 21:42:00 UTC  


2020-03-27 21:42:18 UTC  

Yeah and you won't have food

2020-03-27 21:42:25 UTC  

Think dude

2020-03-27 21:48:51 UTC  

Omg this guy is insane let me download push to talk in on the phone now I'll destroy this dude

2020-03-27 23:25:52 UTC  

@California Nightmare 3.0 Kebab
Yes, thats actually ice, despite whatever you've been told. Most probably frozen oxygen from turbopump exhaust. Actually you can see it slowly forming shortly after second stage separation and slowly melting at some point in live vide

2020-03-27 23:26:33 UTC  

I guess ice also has whiskers and ears now lol

2020-03-27 23:27:02 UTC  

You see patterns in things, that’s human nature.
Not to mention it’s movement is nothing that of a mouse

2020-03-27 23:30:16 UTC  

Silly to think that a multi millionaire space company would put so much effort into making it look real, and have this live stream...but yet let a mouse through.

2020-03-27 23:30:38 UTC  

...or maybe they are playing games with us?
That’s a nice counter argument I guess.

2020-03-27 23:31:57 UTC  

You don’t think they like to make fun of us

2020-03-27 23:35:24 UTC  

Make fun of you, why do you think they would like to do that?
If they are all in this massive conspiracy, where they have been fooling people for years now (...even though the Greeks them selfs found out the earth was a globe...but I guess the government was in the conspiracy then too)
do you think if all that was true, they would risk it all to play a little game with you?
Or is this a deeper issue.

2020-03-27 23:40:13 UTC  

Think of it from your point of view. Imagine you have this huge secret you have to hide, and you have been working your hardest to hide it for years. The secret is so important to you, that if it was revealed your whole life would crumble. Would you “play games” with people, where you give them hints of your secret?
Cause that’s what you believe right? That the entire world is in this, that they have created the education system to brainwash people, they made nasa and have fake photos etc.
Not to mention, if this organization of people (or lizards...whatever other thing you believe) was so large and powerful and someone was fighting back againts what they wanted...wouldn’t they have the power to just snuff you guys off the planet?
Especially since this community is growing, wouldn’t it be a threat to them....or is it that....they work in mysterious ways?

2020-03-27 23:44:22 UTC  

It’s simply human behavioral psychology
and a case of confirmation bias

2020-03-28 07:36:11 UTC  

facts ^

2020-03-28 07:36:18 UTC  

ngl this mans spitting facts

2020-03-28 07:36:35 UTC  

these people probs think that china is terrible

2020-03-28 07:36:52 UTC  


2020-03-28 07:37:05 UTC  

under basis of they teach the earth is round

2020-03-28 07:37:06 UTC  


2020-03-28 07:37:12 UTC  


2020-03-28 19:57:43 UTC  

@Hamza yes

2020-03-28 19:57:53 UTC

2020-03-28 19:59:23 UTC  

!mute @Kaptain gossiping

2020-03-28 19:59:24 UTC  

2020-03-28 21:33:19 UTC  

We don’t need to worry about Iran we don’t need to worry about Russia the people and the country we need to worry about is China always has been for the last 40 years

2020-03-29 06:26:16 UTC  
