Message from @chad46
Discord ID: 659446406980829185
Probably didn't change his ways over night
the good news is...if he's on discord he's probably not running a nuclear power plant or flying a plane
let's keep him engaged here
as long as possible
He didn't do anything and I wasn't going to mute him.
Wouldn't be just or fair.
Even if he was pissing me off.
Wasn't quite over the border of disrespect.
But edging there.
Merry morning all
Good morning
The sun appears larget at the horizon
!mute <@!420944974549483520>
coming out of the woodwork today it seems
so I came across a master class by neil degrasse he is teaching people to question things and I thought wouldnt it be amazing if a flat earth took his class and used his reasoning deductions to proof the earth is flat
you think that guy is a scientist?
maybe hes teaching how to lie to people about stuff you know mothing about
He has acted in movies and TV shows @Flat Earth PhD
thats what actors do
Doesn't mean he's not right about earth stuff
Neil degrasse is for science what Obama was for politics, they sold themselves for little worldly gain to puppetmasters
his guess is as good as anyones
I bet you if I gave him 100k he would say I made him to say
he would say anything I asked to say I meant
That's practically his job? To say something in front of a camera and get paid? XD
even if its a lie?
especially if it's a lie
Fictional stories are all 'lies', that's why they are fun (real life is a little boring, why would you hire actors if you can just film the street?)
Why would you watch real life on tv if you can just get outside and see it in 3d? =P
Real life is more strange than any movie