Message from @Citizen Z
Discord ID: 679408390098911300
It's like pills, we used to use pills for everything, and people thought bc it was medicine it couldn't do any harm. Now we know better and while we still have a long way to go, pills are being used more responsibility, and they are getting tested correctly.
The same needs to happen for vaccines
Pills = Billions of $$$ for pharmaceutical companies.
not here Slash, take it to Vaxx channel
Sorry, people were talking about vax so I just piped in
no worries, this is FLAT EARTH channel tho, so please stay on topic, thanks
There's a spot for vaccine discussion too i just noticed, cool
Are we still talking about the floor in 2020?
Send pics to me i'll share em
in the right channel tho
@Logrian i was gonna share ice wall pics but couldn't find a category for it
that would be Flat Earth channel, so here, send em to me
Ok why did i get a ping?
Nvm i see it was an @every0ne
!mute <@368599089157505024>
Who pinged everyone?
Indio made a good vid
Oh yeah, the one in announcements.
Enjoy seeing content from non-ignorant people.
Thank you, Indio.
Who ping me
Heh you might find me ignorent, but I try my best
Someone told me their name was Patrick
flat earth
I hope this flat earth server isnt like the other ones I got banned from two already for calmly offering intuitive proof that the earth is spherical
its kind of sad really how angry and defensive people can get over beliefs.
It sometimes happens here, but normally not a ban, just a mute for a few moments
I'm still asking why a correct flat earth map can't be made without distortions
That question is getting annoying