Discord ID: 468456081153064960
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Can i have some proof dat proves da earth is not round๐ฅบ๐ฅบ Please i would like 2 learn ๐ฅบ๐ฅบ
Who here has been in an airplane๐ฅบ
who believes in a flat earth๐ฅบ
Hehe funny meme!! This meme has proved your point
Your proof is photos and that one laser thing mr Flat earth PhD
Because only mr Flat Earth phd may
who is name calling???
did i do the name calling???๐ฅบ๐ฅบ
If u think i was name calling idk how sensitive u r but puttin Mista in fromt isnt name calling๐ฅบ๐ฅบSorry
Can someone explain the dome thingy to me?? Or do u not believe in that
Bruh hahahahh
not really
can some1 plz explain the dome thing to me
where r the other planetz
how did the little mars rover walk on mars then ๐ฅบ
can u explain 2 me how a lunar eclipse wud work on a flat earth ๐ฅบ
maybe we should fly some of you up to the iss
Ok mr flat earth how do u feel about sateilletes dat do be orbitin da earth
im underage i cant drink ๐ฅบ
bruh imma need u to explain sateloons to me
Ok but explain satloons
i dont even know what ur tryna say anymore
But snowglobe has the word globe in it๐ฅบ
holland is a province๐ฅบ
no its not im literaally from the netherlands
north holland and south holland be provinces in the netherlands ๐ฅบ
how old are you flat earth phd
I will be right back everyone๐ฅบ
Ok im back ๐
Hi everyone ๐
I have a new question ๐ฅบ
If the earth do be flat why is it that the sun sets earlier in winter ๐ฅบ please explain
I'm a girl
i dont really understand flat earth phd
๐ฅบ im so confused
isnt the sun a bit bigger dan da moon
if its 400 times laarger and 400 times further away dont it do cancel out
im failing maths idk๐ฅบ
ok but i dont believe in the flat earth
can some1 just please explain in baby words why the sun keeps setting at like 4pm please
isnt da earth tilting a little or something ๐ฅบ
the earth do be tilted on its axis ๐ฅบ
not even 23.5 degrees??๐ฅบ
does a mute last forever?๐ฅบ
ok yay๐
flat earth phd do you go on planes a lot or no๐ฅบ
@Flat Earth PhD do you go on planes a lot or no๐ฅบ
aw really ๐ฅบ
i love it ๐
idk miles i use kilometers๐ฅบ
i know how to balance an equation๐
im not being hostile๐ฅบ
flat earth phd are you from the united states of america
ive never heard that expression๐ฅบ
are you from switzerland or the united staates of america??๐ฅบ Flat eaarth phd
0 kelvin!!!
i dont get this๐ฅบ
Ok bye Mr flat earth๐ Have a great day๐
Hi everyone๐ฅบ
HI geregory how aare you
I Dont believe in flat earth ๐ฅบ
education system๐
i like vaccines ๐
maarc means u mispelled it
ok i wasnt going into it or anything
just sayin
hi ๐
I hope everyone is having a fantastic day ๐ฅบ
is everyone haaving a nice day?
the earth is round i agree
hi ๐
I hope everyone is having a nice day ๐
That's awesome
Ok i have a little question mr Flat earth ๐ฅบ
why are there curves in the flight paths of airplanes if according to the flat earth map straight line flights wud be da msot efficient๐ฅบ
but they're not tho ๐ฅบ ?? can you show me some flight path picture please
is it possible for me to psate pictures
they dont fly over antartica for safety reasons tho
its also why they dont fly over other like supa mountaineous terrains
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