Message from @BradPlace
Discord ID: 524597548170608658
I think I’m gonna be sick
Da fuck is that?
Anything that's not Hebrew National
Thanks tailed
Indian "food"
More Dribble
Why do I keep seeing this
What is this
An RCR reference
Anyone here from the Netherlands?
Only some gay guy
I need someone to explain why they deep fry so many things
Because we can
Most of the dutch I know are weebs
Because deep fried stuff is really delicious?
Scottish and english people deep fry stuff and it taste awesome
Example A. American southern food.
Deep Frying isn't just a Black Democrat food.
Dutch people just make a giant meat ball, deep fry it and call it a snack
I mean
Nothing wrong with that
Deep Fried Pizza is actually fucking good smh
No it's not, it's southern food
May give me heart disease
But it's worth it.
I haven't seen not deep fried food in like months
I like it when they deep fry crab for sushi.
I'd like to say Deep Fried Pizza is more Scottish than Southern, same with Deep Fried Mars Bar.
You can’t deep fry things here
Deep fried vinegar rice?
No water
Mars bars?