Message from @Lizardo
Discord ID: 524607342411776021
just woke up. just decided to say hey before going to work at the lab. @_Domo
what kind of lab work?
Holy shit
@Lizardo I dated a redhead
this name is love to me lol
And I just noticed
All redheads look the alike
Everyone looks alike if you try hard enough
Oh wow
Redheads have a higher pain threshold than normies
All redheads are related
Don’t even @ me
A person who is doing something actually useful with his life
What the frick
what kind of drugs are you working on?
i do need to go now. i'll probably get back on after work if my wife doesn't get home first.
Most of the time I work on coke.
God damn Turtle you're amazing
Have a good day
Perks me up like
Drugs are bad
and will I be able to abusive them or are they the boring safe kind
currently analgesics that also act as immuno-modulators i think @Octavia
anyways, goodbye. have a good day.
You can abuse any drug. Neglect it. Hit it, tell it you love it then cheat on it
Redheads require more anaesthesia
This be interesting
My brain keeps telling me that the group pfp is a belly button
Redheads require more dick too
Also redheads dont look the same and you know it