Message from @Dimorac
Discord ID: 525276362651598848
Preferred Split Enz tbh.
Well damn
Fucking hate nikola
I like Split Enz.
Oh come on let's not kick people for being stupid
No u
Anytime some cunt mentions her I'm in a permanent state of annoyance for atleast an hour
Is kicking really needed? Some server this is if you post opinions and if they disagree you get kicked
I love when someone gets kicked when they're on their phone and have no link to re-join.
morning turds
@Tea Neil Finn is playing with Fleetwood Mac now.
@triggeredlungworm That's not it at all, rofl.
@triggeredlungworm whiteys have no righties
@Tailed Feature Bullshit, really?
@triggeredlungworm Mods can do whatever they want
@Tea Aye man he replaced Lindsay Buckingham.
Fair enough
Holy fuck he is.
he said "lets not kick people for being stupid". Basically begging for it
the lot of you.
could we get politics channel opened up again, pls
We never have any rights anywhere anyway
Oi <#418492743547879427> is still blocked
I could not find the member you wanted to kick...
Awesome fuck you mod
I wrote the link by hand tea
@Tailed Feature Neil Finn is playing in Edinburgh on the 18th.
I could not find the member you wanted to kick...
Edinburgh is class