Message from @zalfir
Discord ID: 525696104050851861
"I don't buy shit anymore"
Yeah anymore. I bought and invested in it and broke even after like 3 months
"I didn't need to buy bullshit after I bought the bullshit I needed"
Yeah that's how it works.
Shut it Generic you fucking root.
I do smoke still. But I handroll cigars
Prefer connecticut shade leaf
Hand roll cigars
hand rolling is easy
They look like backwoods
I do handroll
It's fun to roll crazy things tho just for the hell of it
like tulips or crosses
I do tulips for my joints
and I realize we are talking about tobacco so that doesn't apply
Hand rolling gets the ladies
Back when cartoons were BASED
i miss smoking in general
Oh fuck I remember this
@zalfir Pick smoking back up, acquire cancer
but there was something about the feel of rolling a cigarette that i miss especially
i still think a pipe is better than a cigar, but pretty much anything is better than a fag with a filter
Me and my mates used to reenact this shit cus Tom and Jerry was the fucking thing back then
Pipes are the best way to smoke, can confirm
Morning all
Oh Jesus my name wtf lmao
i used to use rolled up bits of cardboard for a filter
just a cylinder, no polystyrene
thats more of a roach than a filter
that's some ghetto ass rolling