Message from @Dino
Discord ID: 525904388238344194
could tell within one word on vc he was a pure mincer like
Not my type
@Tea I never said your a Europoor
Im a fyckin piney
I read that with my own fucking eyes
My accent is shit
nah it sticks out
Someone at work today called me a fuckin piney
ayo what game should i buy to flex a gaming pc to a console peasant
Arma 3
c r y s i s
Feed me @Tea I want salt
No don’t
whats a piney?
They don’t deserve to be one of the masterrace
Mount and Blade.
2 5 d a y s
Non-paid mods Fallout/Skyrim.
List goes on.
holy shit my skyrim is fucked
honestly i love the graphical mods for skyrim
it crashes every 20 mins
I require sustenance @Tea
Mod it more.
like i'm not one for making tommy the train fly around and shit but i really like the overhauls
its got 700 ish mods
Make it 800.
good idea
put on nude mod
That's the first thing Pip would get.
@Tea shower me with that succulent salt