Message from @iamacaterpiller
Discord ID: 525904081500372993
@LmaoMoni UwU
Calm it.
@iamacaterpiller nah I didn't you're a clothes peg to me and it's cunts like you who should just off themselves. Calling me a Europoor is a shit arguement.
You aren't male and white, wanting a wall is a dangerous game
Did you really do the neko bullshit with a trump hatXD
ooof that faggot
yall fuck off monica is gorgeous
Trump-sama!! OwO pweese build the wall desu~ UwU (and now i want to die)
Every cunt Mandy. Hey them doused
and has a good accent
could tell within one word on vc he was a pure mincer like
Not my type
Im a fyckin piney
I read that with my own fucking eyes
My accent is shit
nah it sticks out
Someone at work today called me a fuckin piney
ayo what game should i buy to flex a gaming pc to a console peasant
Arma 3
c r y s i s
Feed me @Tea I want salt
No don’t
whats a piney?
They don’t deserve to be one of the masterrace
Most paradox games.
Mount and Blade.