Message from @ComradeChaos

Discord ID: 688261688591515707

2020-03-14 05:36:54 UTC  


2020-03-14 05:37:03 UTC  


2020-03-14 05:37:08 UTC  

Imagine not understanding the esoteric symbolism behind what that actually means

2020-03-14 05:37:21 UTC  

The only cool Muslims are sufis

2020-03-14 05:37:25 UTC  

Ight nigga

2020-03-14 05:37:28 UTC  

Get ran

2020-03-14 05:37:32 UTC  

See u

2020-03-14 05:39:19 UTC  

Why are the mystics the only among the Abrahamics who aren't totally full of shit lmao.

2020-03-14 05:40:01 UTC  

Everything about Islam is based around the self interest of the Islamic identity through the justification of doing God's work on Earth. You're all full of shit in your own unique way

2020-03-14 05:40:41 UTC  

I'm probably one of the few that won't lie to people to get an outcome that benefits me

2020-03-14 05:40:41 UTC  

He left

2020-03-14 05:40:49 UTC  


2020-03-14 05:40:55 UTC  

Fax it dawg

2020-03-14 05:40:58 UTC  


2020-03-14 05:41:22 UTC  

Publish it in my Occultist twinks owned list

2020-03-14 05:42:03 UTC  

I guess how you perceive reality gets warped a bit when your profit encourages incest between first cousins.

2020-03-14 05:42:35 UTC  

No Muslim can ever own anyone because you're probably hated as much, if not more than the atheist on a global scale

2020-03-14 05:43:34 UTC  
2020-03-14 05:44:08 UTC  

"hurrddurrr..... Spain...say sorry to Allah right now because it hurt his feelings when you kicked our asses back into the desert"

2020-03-14 05:44:40 UTC

2020-03-14 05:46:13 UTC  

Or how about when the retards in the Muslim patrol picked a fight with the fucking bloods? Yeah, you guys aren't as smart or slick as you think you are. Jews are theologically superior to you in nearly every way lol

2020-03-14 05:48:17 UTC  

White women don't want a caliphate lmao, even I'd they say it. They want a religion that isn't full of crap and true to our nature

2020-03-14 06:12:10 UTC  

Low iq takes but ok

2020-03-14 07:49:07 UTC  

Want a high IQ take: you're someone who is battling with the human condition while trying to be a vessel for divinity. You have a desire for a world that you can't manifest until you realize how you yourself will make the conditions to destroy it

2020-03-14 07:51:24 UTC  

Tame the beast to be a man or forever live a beast. Beasts aren't just the villains we all recognize but the people who are driven by passion and can't see a world with good beyond power and retribution.

2020-03-14 07:52:34 UTC  
2020-03-14 07:59:37 UTC  

Christianity is built on the sacrifice that Jesus made to steal the keys of heaven from the depths of hell. It's built on a man who told people to have swords that they should refuse to draw. Jesus was a nomad who preached universal love but also that his message would divide families.

2020-03-14 12:53:17 UTC  


2020-03-14 14:57:04 UTC  

```Natural law is inherently luciferian by the way @Eoppa```
Justify @ComradeChaos

2020-03-14 15:03:56 UTC  

Especially given ```Romans 1:20
[20]For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made. His eternal power also and divinity: so that they are inexcusable.```

2020-03-14 15:05:00 UTC  

Evil is a privation from nature and from being

2020-03-14 15:16:51 UTC  

@ComradeChaos actually Christianity is the rejection of yhwh (satan) and the worship of god

2020-03-14 15:22:18 UTC  

^ big brain

2020-03-14 15:22:59 UTC  

How in the hell is natural law luciferian?

2020-03-14 17:06:29 UTC

2020-03-14 17:19:00 UTC  

I’ve noticed in talking with Luciferian believers that there tends to be three main contentions they make:
1. The Christian/Catholic God is the actual God of evil
2. Satan (Lucifer) is in fact the benevolent God
3. Christianity/Catholicism is opposed to natural law, unlike Luciferianism

I’ve yet to see any of these three contentions properly justified. Aside from a couple little movements from the 12th through the 14th centuries that got quashed by the Papacy, Luciferianism has hardly existed in its current state for a century, let alone nearly two millennia. The majority of its justifications seem to be based on a “Well *actually*, our God is good and yours is bad” philosophy, which is wholly unconvincing to anyone outside of the faith (seriously, when will they learn to not take this stupid angle?)

2020-03-14 17:23:27 UTC  

When considering the reality that Luciferianism hasn’t existed in an era before the Industrial Revolution, it is a definitively New Age belief, and consequently is entirely synthetic in composition. This goes for most occultist movements. Many of those that follow these movements appear to simply want something different from Christianity, but they’re rather unfortunately gaslit into believing in all sorts of insane nonsense, like witchcraft or the craze over essential oils. Regardless, as these nonbelievers continue to rise, they do pose a threat to Christendom and the possibility of a return to normalcy and sanity in the future.

2020-03-14 19:28:39 UTC

2020-03-14 20:46:56 UTC  

Taoism is a luciferian philosophy, I assure you it's not a new thing

2020-03-14 20:50:10 UTC  

satan isnt lucifer lmao @alpi

2020-03-14 20:52:43 UTC  

Following natural law doesn't Inherently mean you're progressing towards a Christian goal. Just because you recognize a cause and effect that doesn't mean the synthesis is going to be something that is good