Message from @Gothik Extravaganza

Discord ID: 691634219402919937

2020-03-22 10:43:03 UTC  

Boris is a pretty edgy atheist.

2020-03-22 18:56:35 UTC  

Doctor and koninos are enemies of the people

2020-03-22 18:58:36 UTC  

Yes, I definitely am an enemy of the people.

2020-03-22 18:58:39 UTC  

Anon is, ngl.

2020-03-22 19:01:14 UTC  


2020-03-22 19:06:04 UTC  


2020-03-22 22:11:20 UTC  

**RELIGION QUESTION: Will a unreasonably quickly created coronavirus vaccine be the mark of the Beast? Is Corona a sign of the end times?**

2020-03-22 22:11:25 UTC  


2020-03-22 22:11:55 UTC  


2020-03-22 22:14:12 UTC  

@21ooAB check serious

2020-03-22 22:16:59 UTC  

I do not think so. Though we are in such tumultuous times, it's certainly fair to consider the option.

2020-03-22 22:26:57 UTC  


2020-03-22 22:27:10 UTC  

Corona ain't it

2020-03-22 22:35:45 UTC  


2020-03-22 22:56:00 UTC  

Not really, No

2020-03-22 22:56:15 UTC  

It would be something more devestating

2020-03-23 04:13:54 UTC  

1 corinthians 13:1

2020-03-23 07:03:10 UTC  


2020-03-23 07:20:10 UTC  

it's the foreshock before the end

2020-03-23 07:20:34 UTC  

Coronavirus is not the end but I expect a meteor impact around 2029

2020-03-23 13:07:27 UTC  

@Ater Votum I see your cartoon berating Catholics and raise you the ethos of saints.

2020-03-23 14:07:55 UTC  

I think the pope was a representative of St.Peter and not the actual successor.
At least from what I remember.

2020-03-23 15:20:41 UTC  

I shot the demiurge

2020-03-23 15:22:50 UTC  

Haha demiurge worshipers btfod

2020-03-23 16:49:47 UTC  

@Ronin representative of Christ, successor of Peter

2020-03-23 17:27:28 UTC  

@calico gnostic gang btfo

2020-03-23 17:35:37 UTC

2020-03-23 17:59:52 UTC  

What is a Christian to meditate on while going about their daily business?

2020-03-23 19:12:12 UTC  

@Greg Noir anything Godly

2020-03-23 19:21:45 UTC  

No. <:Chad:591182354270257170>

2020-03-23 19:25:48 UTC  

in some ways they're based.
they share the same hatred towards the big nose tribe and tried ending Bacha Bazi.
On the other hand they're as subtle as a brick to the face.

2020-03-23 20:06:53 UTC  

Ah, that makes sense Imam.

2020-03-23 20:30:28 UTC  

The inbreeding it encourages destroys nations.

2020-03-23 20:31:03 UTC  

The most whackedout, most extreme Imams end up leading.

2020-03-23 22:05:06 UTC  

Ngl I wouldn't mind white sharia if it's outside of the western hemisphere

2020-03-23 22:34:17 UTC  

What would that entail?

2020-03-23 22:34:39 UTC  

Death if you say 'I renounce Allah'?

2020-03-23 23:12:29 UTC  

all whites becoming muslim and codifying Sharia into law.

2020-03-23 23:29:55 UTC  


2020-03-23 23:30:16 UTC  

Why not venerate your ancestors and tell stories of them?