Message from @Praise Jesus ✞✞✞ - North NJ
Discord ID: 287840318064295937
wont talk about it illegaly but visit fraud or do your own researc
but killing commies is just for profit to society
We are going to protest them we aren't going to have bondage sex with them
The ziptie one is for when you get arrested after sticking one of them
>sees creation date
we need to meme them to be called stasi for fuck sake get with the times
what the fuck
AntiFA= Anti First Amendment.
actually its anti fascist
but churchill said the new fascists will be called anti fascists
so they're fascists
but stasi just points to commies
and commies points to failed states
and death
make better asocations dont confuse your public
and failed states points to mexico.
failed economy* on image then it shows trash can burtaly murdered, then *commies never again
They are the weak
Plus fascist is a complement.
Weak who want the strong to care for them
You see with communism innovation and technological progression doesn't happen because you can't capitalize on it.
fascist and nazi have lost all meaning
they come in packs and die in droves
next no no word is pedo
I am a fascist and I don't want to be associated with them.
They keep misusing their nono words and making them who cares words
yet so call em stasi
they'll bite the bullet and make it easier to target
can we invade a state like Wyoming and force them to secede from the us?
Seems obscure
>Literally calexit for the right
like them trying to call us alt right by rigging up the pedo gate fake shooter and using fake news right after it. they tried to landslide the public agasint us specficly yet we get more people than ever on 4chan
they had there ammo charged right after to
gamergate was just a show of force by comparison to the meme war going on right now