Message from @asdfgasdfgasdfaoklk
Discord ID: 287839341001179136
Cultiral Marxism Appropriation
Can we use pepper spray on those fascists?
>This kills the commie.
there not facists there neo stasi
get the term right
kanuke you told me to take roids
i want to take roids what do you know
Thank you based sitck man
visit /fit/ fraud
lift total body every day to failure and run 5 miles every morning with a goal of getting 7 min per mile
train for airforce PAST testing
got a paste bin though
Do we get cool jackets like the air force do?
Useful things incoming
a recruiter wil give it to yah for free
wont talk about it illegaly but visit fraud or do your own researc
We are going to protest them we aren't going to have bondage sex with them
The ziptie one is for when you get arrested after sticking one of them
>sees creation date
we need to meme them to be called stasi for fuck sake get with the times
what the fuck
AntiFA= Anti First Amendment.
actually its anti fascist
but churchill said the new fascists will be called anti fascists
so they're fascists
but stasi just points to commies
and commies points to failed states
and death
make better asocations dont confuse your public
and failed states points to mexico.
I've noticed how all communists in the us and canada look ugly and unhealthy
failed economy* on image then it shows trash can burtaly murdered, then *commies never again
They are the weak