Message from @LorneM
Discord ID: 529523263584469002
@Papa Benz don't even fucking ask about the lottery numbers.
and.. yeah.. we dropped the ball on 9/11
our bad
Ninja is getting so much backlash recently.
@CojonesAnimales you should dump that in <#418503004434726912>
@zalfir fuck up
Yer maws a dinner lady
@zalfir is there like a voice chat dump?
What's up
no, people put vc links in here, I just thought it would be interesting to put it in newspol as well
Fuck up lorne
@zalfir I am the only one who can right click and click copy link!
Lorne fancies my boyfriend
im still 3 mins away from new year god damnit east coast
@sweatercowsandsass it's like a few hours from daylight there lol
AND? @Hammond_of_Texas
Happy New year @Hammond_of_Texas
im hungry buts its nearly 5am
@Mandy happy new year Mandy!
Why not @LorneM
Hello boys
get the pledge oot
@Mandy @sweatercowsandsass love you both
2 mins
Markus hush