Message from @❤Karla the Polar Bear❤
Discord ID: 529903704309104672
Try exercise.
Always helps i aid of sleep.
If you need help sleeping, put the phone down, I've heard that those images going at 60fps can overstimulate
A person with sound advice
Also, use white noise
Not music, because your brain will still focus on it
What's white noise?
Ain't that a game?
its like
a fan
a box fan
Search white noise for sleep on YouTube
just rnning
get a box fan
You can find like 10 hour white noise videos on YouTube or spotify
I sleep to rain sounds on YouTube
Rain is actually a phobia of mine
And I live here in D&G
Fuck me
Well, you could also take melatonin supplements
Melatonin is the chemical your body builds up that makes you tired
Your body gets rid of it while you sleep
:333333 @everyone * notices ur bomb vest* OwO awwahu akbaw
@Arabman123 kys
You could try not being a furry. That'll help you sleep. It'll also help you live with yourself.
I just threw up
@Dimorac that's the aim
to blow myself up
This might just be the worst @ everyone I've ever seen
All the good suicide bombers are dead
@Arabman123 *notcies your Isis flag* stabby stabby Rawr xD
@Tailed Feature nah
seriously get a boxfan
a cheap 20in box fan