Message from @Holy Intersectional Inquisition

Discord ID: 684759577090457620

2020-03-04 12:29:02 UTC  

Per video?

2020-03-04 12:29:04 UTC  

Per day?

2020-03-04 12:29:10 UTC  

Per month?

2020-03-04 12:31:31 UTC  

per month probably

might be per video

2020-03-04 12:51:27 UTC  


2020-03-04 12:58:25 UTC  

those prisoners will be so happy that they go and lick the shrine

2020-03-04 13:10:51 UTC  

we should get muslims to lick the shrines

2020-03-04 13:12:18 UTC  

"frees 54000 jihadis to end asian populations"

2020-03-04 13:12:20 UTC  

good job

2020-03-04 13:42:58 UTC  

All countries should free their prisoners

2020-03-04 13:43:03 UTC  

And send them all to china

2020-03-04 13:43:53 UTC  

would only make a 0.1 percent change in their population 😦

2020-03-04 13:44:04 UTC  
2020-03-04 13:46:38 UTC  

```"What does China care for the comity of nations?" said Li Tang Fwung. "We are the most ancient, honourable, and royal of races. We have our own destiny to accomplish. It is unpleasant that our destiny does not tally with the destiny of the rest of the world, but what would you? You have talked windily about the royal races and the heritage of the earth, and we can only reply that that remains to be seen. You cannot invade us. Never mind about your navies. Don't shout. We know our navy is small. You see we use it for police purposes. We do not care for the sea. Our strength is in our population, which will soon be a billion. Thanks to you, we are equipped with all modern war-machinery. Send your navies. We will not notice them. Send your punitive expeditions, but first remember France. To land half a million soldiers on our shores would strain the resources of any of you. And our thousand millions would swallow them down in a mouthful. Send a million; send five millions, and we will swallow them down just as readily. Pouf! A mere nothing, a meagre morsel. Destroy, as you have threatened, you United States, the ten million coolies we have forced upon your shores - why, the amount scarcely equals half of our excess birth rate for a year."```

2020-03-04 13:48:16 UTC  

based and insectpilled

2020-03-04 13:48:37 UTC  

```As Peking was bombarded by glass tubes, so was all China. The tiny airships, dispatched from the warships, contained but two men each, and over all cities, towns, and villages they wheeled and curved, one man directing the ship, the other man throwing over the glass tubes.```

2020-03-04 13:48:40 UTC  


2020-03-04 13:50:05 UTC  

```Had the reader again been in Peking, six weeks later, he would have looked in vain for the eleven million inhabitants. Some few of them he would have found, a few hundred thousand, perhaps, their carcasses festering in the houses and in the deserted streets, and piled high on the abandoned death-waggons. But for the rest he would have had to seek along the highways and byways of the Empire. And not all would he have found fleeing from plague-stricken Peking, for behind them, by hundreds of thousands of unburied corpses by the wayside, he could have marked their flight. And as it was with Peking, so it was with all the cities, towns, and villages of the Empire. The plague smote them all. Nor was it one plague, nor two plagues; it was a score of plagues. Every virulent form of infectious death stalked through the land. Too late the Chinese government apprehended the meaning of the colossal preparations, the marshalling of the world-hosts, the flights of the tin airships, and the rain of the tubes of glass. The proclamations of the government were vain. They could not stop the eleven million plague-stricken wretches, fleeing from the one city of Peking to spread disease through all the land. The physicians and health officers died at their posts; and death, the all- conqueror, rode over the decrees of the Emperor and Li Tang Fwung. It rode over them as well, for Li Tang Fwung died in the second week, and the Emperor, hidden away in the Summer Palace, died in the fourth week.```

2020-03-04 14:11:18 UTC  

i don't know why he sounds so indignant

2020-03-04 14:11:35 UTC  

youtube has made it clear they don't want to support right wingers for years

2020-03-04 14:12:42 UTC  

the said people have really been complacent in trying to move their audiences over to other platforms

2020-03-04 14:12:56 UTC  

at the end he says that he will have to just make a history channel to make money

2020-03-04 14:13:08 UTC  

but he already did that and it got demonetized <:shap:497652686603288576>

2020-03-04 14:14:32 UTC  

yt isnt meant to make money by talking politics, its meant to drop some crumbs for the biggest corporate cock suckers

2020-03-04 14:14:52 UTC  

hope an alternative takes off

2020-03-04 14:15:07 UTC  

like bitchute

2020-03-04 14:16:59 UTC  

are there any left wing channels run by independent creators that do well monetization wise?

2020-03-04 14:17:14 UTC  

on yt

2020-03-04 14:17:55 UTC  

the only way an alternative could take off if instead of having video search engine combined with video hosts, it was separated like with search engines and websites, this way every search engine would have access to all videos, so you can choose a search engine with less bias and censorship and still have access to normie videos that way, just like we dont need duck duck go to take off to use it, we could use bitchute or whatever else without still having to use youtube

2020-03-04 14:18:11 UTC  

β€œFaced with the crisis of the coronavirus, confronting this disordered world, I join my compatriots β€” the 1.4 billion men and women, brothers and sisters of China, the countless multitudes who have no way of fleeing this land β€” and I call on them: rage against this injustice; let your lives burn with a flame of decency; break through the stultifying darkness and welcome the dawn.”

2020-03-04 14:18:34 UTC  

Dissidents speaking up

2020-03-04 14:19:22 UTC  

It's more a political critique than it is related to the virus, despite the title

2020-03-04 14:19:43 UTC  

The virus just outlines the cracks, which this essay attacks

2020-03-04 14:24:49 UTC  


2020-03-04 14:25:36 UTC  

All the free stuff Bernie promises the nigs already get

2020-03-04 15:10:22 UTC